Neuralog Inc. has built in application access to A2D Technologies’ online well log database into the most recent release of two of their industry-favored geologic applications, significantly improving the user’s workflow for importing well log data into new or existing projects. The data will be acquired from A2D’s online database using SilverWire, the company’s Web Service technology.

The SilverWire integration gives NeuraSection and NeuraWellTool users the ability to access and add data on demand from within the application environment. Previously, and with most other geologic applications, adding additional data interrupts the interpretation process with time-consuming search, acquisition, data conversion and import tasks. With SilverWire, this process becomes a seamless component like the software’s other functions.

SilverWire will connect these applications to the same online database that is used by LOG-LINE Plus!, A2D’s web-browser based tool for online search and download of well log data. The collection includes more than 4.3 million well logs from the US and important hydrocarbon regions around the world.

“The real value of this upgrade is fewer interruptions for the geologist, or others working with logs. Seamless geological work is our company mission and this data access takes us another step closer”, says Javan Meinwald VP Sales for Neuralog. “We are planning to integrate a similar technology for data access in NeuraLog, for automated log digitizing”.

“Matching Neuralog’s software with our well log data collection will really change, for the better, the way users interact with well log data,” commented Robert Gibson, director of integration services for A2D. “Getting data into a project properly can be a real hurdle and a drain on the time actually spent on exploration – we’ve developed SilverWire for just that reason.”

This integrated solution is provided with all new NeuraSection and NeuraWellTool installations and provides immediate A2D data access from within those tools for customers with existing agreements with A2D. There is no additional cost to the customer for the data or the online access. NeuraSection is a desktop cross section and geological evaluation package to access and bring together a diverse range of geological petroleum data. NeuraWellTool is a desktop application for access, correlation, and annotation of well logs.

New releases of NeuraSection and NeuraWellTool incorporating direct LOG-LINE Plus! access were recently released.