In the oil and gas industry billions are spent on acquiring and processing the best-quality seismic data possible to make informed decisions when drilling wells and producing oil and gas. With the vast quantities of data generated, it is easy for interpreters to get into a “cognitive overload” situation, leading to confusion rather than understanding and wasting both time and money.

Computers are able to provide rapid high-resolution objective and fully volumetric results. However, interpretation of these results involves matching what is seen with what a geological feature is known to look like. This is a complex challenge that no computer can carry out as efficiently or as effectively as the human brain, which is why making full use of human cognition is vital in next-generation interpretation systems.

Developed to better harness cognitive capabilities, GeoTeric’s Cognitive Interpretation system combines the power of computational approaches with an appreciation of the importance of the human element in interpretation. The system allows users to see the geology in their seismic data before interpreting.

“We have developed Cognitive Interpretation to allow geologists and geophysicists to use their cognitive capabilities as effectively as possible and therefore generate the most accurate and detailed seismic interpretation possible,” said Jonathan Henderson, managing director for GeoTeric. “It adds considerable value to both conventional interpretation and QI [quantitative interpretation] workflows, ultimately helping clients reduce time and cost and improve decision making.”